Cool links of May

Some links about computers, but also about degrowth, Paris in the 20th century, ainsi que des billets d'humeurs d'autres blogs.


#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais

Cool links of April

Ho ho ho, this month the link stack is short. I didn't have much time to read, and most importantly I'm finishing my studies for the year, which means I have examens to care about. Pfff... Anyway, I really recommend reading the Chinese Burner article and the Healing power of gardens. I loved thoses articles, it made me travel for a bit...


#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais

Cool links of March

This month, there is, as always, a fair shaire of links about tech. I've shared a few links that helped me fix my problems, and some political articles I read and find interesting, but it doesn't mean I agree a 100% with what's written there. Have a good read !


#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais

Cool links of Febuary

Ce mois-ci, une sélection de liens en français ! And, of course, the majority of links are still in english ! In this month's cool links, I'll share a lot of content around agriculture, plants, and Solarpunk !


#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais

Cool links of January

Finding and sharing links is what made the success of the internet. But recently, I've been finding it harder to find such links. I'll try to make a post like this one at the end of each month with the cool links I found on the internet.


#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais

Across Town

As I came out of the associative coffee shop of my neighbordhood, I was hit by a ray of light, straight to my face, and needed to stop for a few seconds. I had spent the night before drinking some home-made beer a friend had been brewing for the past months, and let me tell you that it was one of the finest beer I had recently. The sweet aromas of orange and cinammon where very welcome, but now I had to pay the price.


#English #Blog

Un Mastodon dans le cyber-espace

On ne présente plus Twitter. Le réseau social compte désormais plusieurs millions d'utilisateurs, mais, récemment, de nombreuses critiques lui ont été adressé. Face à ces soucis, des alternatives ont été crées au fur et à mesure des années, comme Dispora* ou HubZilla, mais n'ont pas réussit à convaincre les twittos en dehors des milieux libristes, malgré leurs nombreux atous. Toutefois, récemment, un petit nouveau fait parler de lui : Mastodon.


#Blog #Fran%C3%A7ais